Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a period of medical treatment that follows the use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS). It is designed to help restore the body’s natural hormone levels and reduce adverse side effects from the AAS. PCT typically involves a combination of medications, such as aromatase inhibitors and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), which are taken for several weeks or months after the cycle of AAS has been completed.

Post Cycle Therapy – What Does it Mean?

The goal of PCT is to minimize any disruption to the body’s normal hormone production and balance, while also helping to reduce side effects such as decreased libido, gynecomastia, hair loss, fatigue, depression, and bloating. Ultimately, PCT can help to ensure that users are able to return to their normal state of health in a safe and effective manner.

When to Start Post Cycle Therapy?

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) should begin after a cycle of anabolic steroids is completed. Depending on the type of steroid and the length of the cycle, PCT may begin anywhere from one to four weeks after the end of the cycle. It is important to note that PCT should not be started until all of the steroids have been cleared from your system.

PCT helps to normalize hormone levels in the body, which can be disrupted by anabolic steroid use. During PCT, medications such as clomiphene citrate or tamoxifen citrate are used to stimulate natural testosterone production. Other medications such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) may also be used to help restore normal hormone levels.

It is important to talk to your doctor before starting any kind of post-cycle therapy program, as there are potential risks associated with using these medications.

How to Perform PCT?

Performing post-cycle therapy (PCT) is an important part of any cycle of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS). It helps to minimize the side effects associated with AAS use and restore normal hormone levels.

The first step in performing PCT is to stop taking the AAS. This should be done gradually, over a period of several weeks, to avoid sudden hormonal changes which can have serious consequences. The next step is to begin taking drugs that will help restore natural testosterone levels. These include SERMs such as Nolvadex or Clomid, as well as hCG injections.

Finally, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle during PCT. This includes eating a balanced diet and getting plenty of exercise, as well as avoiding alcohol and other substances that could interfere with hormone balance. Additionally, it’s important to get regular blood tests throughout the PCT process to ensure that hormone levels are returning to normal.

How Long Does PCT Last?

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a period of time in which hormone levels are regulated following the use of anabolic steroids. The length of PCT depends on several factors, such as the type and duration of steroid use, age, and health history. Generally speaking, PCT should last between 4-6 weeks.

During PCT, testosterone levels are increased to their natural state through the use of medications like clomiphene citrate or tamoxifen. Additionally, users may take supplements to help with recovery and reduce side effects associated with steroid use. These supplements can include amino acids and other vitamins and minerals.

It is important that users follow their doctor’s instructions carefully when undergoing PCT in order to ensure that hormone levels return to normal levels safely and quickly. If done correctly, PCT can help to reduce many of the negative side effects associated with anabolic steroid use.

What Drugs are Used for PCT?

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a process that helps the body to recover from anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) use. PCT is typically used by athletes, bodybuilders, and other individuals who have been using AAS for a period of time.

The most common drugs used in PCT are Clomid (clomiphene citrate), Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate), and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Clomid and Nolvadex are both selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) that help to restore normal hormone levels in the body after AAS use. HCG helps to stimulate natural testosterone production and can be used as an alternative to Clomid or Nolvadex.

In addition to these medications, some individuals may also choose to use aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex or Letrozole.

Showing all 2 results

  • Altamofen (Nolvadex) 20 mg

    Altamofen by Alpha Pharma with a substance of Nolvadex, which contains the active ingredient Tamoxifen Citrate. It is an oral medication that is used to treat breast cancer and to help prevent breast cancer in women who are at high risk of developing the disease. Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma Substance: Tamoxifen Citrate Packaging: 20 mg (50 pills) Tamoxifen Citrate
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  • Aromex (Exemestane)

    Aromex is the brand name for the medication Exemestane, which is an aromatase inhibitor. It is used to treat certain types of breast cancer that require estrogen to grow, by blocking the production of estrogen in the body. Aromex is typically taken orally in tablet form, and the recommended dosage and duration of treatment may vary depending on the individual's medical history, response to treatment, and other factors. Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma Substance: Exemestane Packaging: 25 mg (30 pills)) Exemestane
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